In Rememberance

you live what you've learned
Firefox 1.0 has been released, click on the picture below to get it.
Not sure why?
Here are just a few reasons.
* Pop-up Blocking –
Firefox includes an integrated pop-up blocker that lets users-not websites-
decide when they will view pop-ups.
* Online Fraud Protection –
Firefox helps users protect themselves against online fraud.
* Faster, Easier, More Accessible Search –
Firefox tightly integrates support for leading search services into the toolbar,
including Google search, Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon, Dictionary.com and more.
* More Efficient Browsing –
Firefox’s innovative Tabbed Browsing allows many web pages to load within the same window,
improving the speed and utility of web browsing.
Happy Birthday Mum
Have a great day .
lots of love.
Steve ,kim
and extra big hugs from Megan
“Remember, remember,
the fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
We see no reason why
Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!”
Have a Great night everybody.
Mr Shawcross defied the Anti-terrorism law and held his own
military tattoo !
Mr S and his large rockets.
Finale Firework
This is so cool. (No i didn’t do it,ifound the pic on Ipod Hacks )
Ok folks look ,if you want to continue using Internet Exploder, then fine shoot yourself in the foot.
But please don’t comment on here saying ‘your site looks crap in IE’.
If you want to view this site properly, then do the world a favour and click HERE
Go on……..do it now …………it’s a free download , easy to install, easy to use
and you no what , it works.
Here are my site stats showing an increase in Mozilla/Firefox users to this site this year.
October 2004
Internet Explorer———-69.2 %
Mozilla/Firefox————25.2 %January 2004
Internet Explorer———-87.3 %
Mozilla/Firefox————-4.7 %
Congrats to all those who made the switch and to those still
using Internet Explorer
You might need this
or this
maybe this
or if all else fails this
Stats provided by Pphlogger.
Another great program that works.
Hope you all had a spooky Halloween ,we had great fun.
As you can see, some of us got more ‘wrapped up’ in the occasion than others !
by tkey 40 Comments
ok folks it’s official….i am dying , disabled for life , need a wheelchair,
constant round the clock home help.
(apparantly this is a man thing….. but i’m in agony here )
I’ve pulled my back !!!
Did it in Blackpool on Saturday……. on 1 of those throw the balls
through the hole , to score points , to win tickets , to turn into prizes
kinda games.
I’ll leave it to the kids next time
And you can all stop shouting ‘shut up you girl ‘
You try throwing 200 ball pool balls into a trash can in 30 seconds
so that YOUR children can win a 1p fruit salad sweet !!!!