Ok folks look ,if you want to continue using Internet Exploder, then fine shoot yourself in the foot.
But please don’t comment on here saying ‘your site looks crap in IE’.
If you want to view this site properly, then do the world a favour and click HERE
Go on……..do it now …………it’s a free download , easy to install, easy to use
and you no what , it works.
Here are my site stats showing an increase in Mozilla/Firefox users to this site this year.
October 2004
Internet Explorer———-69.2 %
Mozilla/Firefox————25.2 %January 2004
Internet Explorer———-87.3 %
Mozilla/Firefox————-4.7 %
Congrats to all those who made the switch and to those still
using Internet Explorer
You might need this
or this
maybe this
or if all else fails this
Stats provided by Pphlogger.
Another great program that works.
A-MEN BROTHER!! Firefox rocks – and your site looks ace in mine! 😉