o.k. next question………
Name the oldest male
and oldest female
to have a number 1 single.
(they have to b still alive at the time so don’t say Elvis)
Louis Armstrong was 66 years and 10 months old
with “What A Wonderful World†in Feb 1968.
Cher who was 52 years and 7 months
when she hit the number 1 spot with
hmmmmmm, kate bush and larry adler?
i’ve got one for you: who are the most successful band never to have had a number one single. and for a bonus : what was the highest they got? ;O)
your not funny Smith !!!!!
oh and your wrong too :-p
well, larry adler was 80 and kate bush must’ve been in her 40’s? 1994. ‘the man i love’.
sorry mate
Kate Bush & Larry Adler ‘The Man I Love’
only got as high as number 27 in Jul 1994.
I was after individual songs for both male and female.
oh and carry on taking the p*** about ultravox and
shurrup da face.
and i will push the button that makes your
comp blow up !!!!!
louis armstrong… wonderful world…I think?
actually it was depeche mode who have had 42 top 40 hits and the highest they got was no. 4 ;OP lol
correct mum x
Louis Armstrong was 66 years and 10 months old
with “What A Wonderful World” in Feb 1968.
sorry Rob,i thought u meant “vienna” lol
Now then the female is…….?
oldest female = Cher?
Cher who was 52 years and 7 months
when she hit the number 1 spot with
“Believe” (1999).