Update: Looking For Big Brother 11 Live Links? Click Here
Updated links for Big Brother 10 Live Feed
There is no 24/7 live feed from the house at present.
Live feed is however being shown from approx 1am till 6am.
Online Latest links ………….
Try…. Here
Try…. Here
click on the triangle in the box below.
Watch live video from garthytv2 on Justin.tv
If the streams are down, try hanging around for a while and read the chat.
Somebody may give a new link out.
try surfing Justin.tv
Bring back the red button petition here
what a waste of time i go to bed early no live coverage only at night no red button what a load of crap
If money is so tight at e4 this year,why have they managed to show 24hr live bb feed for last 10 years.there is know way they have put all resources into website be cause it’s slow & never updated.get that red button back,i cant stand watching repeats of friends & roswell.
Bring back live feed channel 4 Please listen to your fans !!!!!!!!!!
Get Jessie out of the house. This will wreck the show for me and I will not watch until he is gone.
Please bring back live feed on E4 during the afternoons! What’s the point of having live feed between 1-6am when most of that time the housemates are asleep? Where’s the lodgic in that?
Live Feed
http://www.facebook.com/groups/261375950547420/ add this group 1days to go when big brother 2011 live we hope as fans