This is an E-mail i received today.
Dear Ladies and Sirs,
It has come to our attention that as part of your service you are
offering the Crazy Frog Sound and the Sweety Sound as ringtones on your website
and you are using the images of these characters as well.
The unlicensed use of the Crazy Frog and Sweety Sound and the images
is a clear infringement of our exclusive worldwide license rights.
We conferred with the owner/author of the Crazy frog/Sweety sound/melody
who confirmed that your use of the sound is unlicensed
and therefore in violation of the applicable copyright laws.
We demand from you to remove the Sounds and images within 4 days from the website.
We are entitled to claim from you damages,
injunctive relief and legal costs incurred as a result of your unlawful activity.
However, we would like to believe that legal proceedings will not be necessary.
Please therefore confirm by return email that sounds and images
have been removed within the stated time limit.
Please note that should you fail to provide the above information
within the required deadline we may without further notice seek an injunction protecting our rights.
We will hold you liable for our costs in this respect
and you will appreciate that these are likely to be very significant.
Gudrun Schweppe
Manager Business Affairs
Done…….now stick the frog where the sun don’t shine !!!!
I welcome this request ,if it helps to clear the internet of this crap.
then some good will have been done.
I have absolutely no problem with removing copyright material.
But in my reply i will ask them to remove their offensive material off my telly.
I have an idea people ,lobby your TV channels and radio stations,
tell them you no longer watch/listen to them.
This is the best way to attack this ‘problem’
TV and Radio thrive on viewing figures
and i just bet ,channels that dont play this rubbish have seen their figures increase.
I have noticed that my local radio station ( Key 103 Manchester) does not play
these annoying adverts. And they are constantly fighting for more listeners.
(Manchester voices is back on tuesday)
Update: Just watched the opening show of Big Brother 6 on channel 4
Do you know what was missing?
The frog during the Ad breaks that’s what,interesting eh.
Let’s see how long they can keep it up for.
Update :23:07
Apparantly not very long,Jam$ter annoying us already on E4
It got turned over quicker than a frog in a blender.
Feel sorry for the advertiser that followed,What a waste of money.
Here is a direct e-mail address to the Manager Business Affairs
tell him/her directly what you think of the frog/chick/dragon/bear……….
Good site! I found in +
I don’t think any other single thing that I have ever experience in my concededly short life has ever made me scorn another person more than knowing they have spent money on a Jamster ring tone. The ring tone itself was throttled to death so long ago that it has been reincarnated and is looking at its cold dead (maggot strewn) body, but that is not the issue here. It’s the infuriating advertising campaign which seems to assume that everybody is a complete and utter moron who has the IQ of a doorknob and the attention span of a crack addicted two year old which really exasperates me. Primarily because it works! There is a huge amount of imbeciles out there thinking (or not thinking)”Everybody else has it so it must be funny. It’s ok I won’t read the small print that puts me in an opt out contract where I have to pay for a new, even less pathetic, ring tone ever single week.” Where do you these people come from? Can’t anybody see that Jamster is making serious money out of this? How else could they support their constant stream of advertisement? I would fully endorse some degree of mass euthanasia for all the people who purchased this ring tone since they are obviously already brain-dead.
It’s ok if you have Sweety Chick though. Now THAT’S entertainment.
Nice blog, i have added it to my favourites, greetings