This is an E-mail i received 25th May 2005.
Dear Ladies and Sirs,
It has come to our attention that as part of your service you are
offering the Crazy Frog Sound and the Sweety Sound as ringtones on your website
and you are using the images of these characters as well.
The unlicensed use of the Crazy Frog and Sweety Sound and the images
is a clear infringement of our exclusive worldwide license rights.
We conferred with the owner/author of the Crazy frog/Sweety sound/melody
who confirmed that your use of the sound is unlicensed
and therefore in violation of the applicable copyright laws.
We demand from you to remove the Sounds and images within 4 days from the website.
We are entitled to claim from you damages,
injunctive relief and legal costs incurred as a result of your unlawful activity.
However, we would like to believe that legal proceedings will not be necessary.
Please therefore confirm by return email that sounds and images
have been removed within the stated time limit.
Please note that should you fail to provide the above information
within the required deadline we may without further notice seek an injunction protecting our rights.
We will hold you liable for our costs in this respect
and you will appreciate that these are likely to be very significant.
Gudrun Schweppe
Manager Business Affairs
Tkey says:-
Done��.now stick the frog where the sun don�t shine !!!!
This was taken from Petition Online
“We” (The undersigned) demand that the “Crazy Frog”
mobile phone advert be removed from TV
(MTV UK & other TV networks & stations) indefinitely.
We also demand compensation for days of endless mental trauma from this horrid advert.
In addition to the removal of the “Crazy Frog” advert,
we also demand removal of all ring tone adverts from TV.
Compensation may come in one of the following.
(i) Public execution of the creator of the crazy frog.
(ii) Public execution of the person whole stole the sound sample.
(iii) A free lunch to the limit of �9.99
The Undersigned
Here here, please stop encouraging these people dont buy this tone.
If you have to have it then get it FREE Here
Yes that’s right children,it really was a funny Racing Car noise
before it was pinched and turned into a frog with a very dubious belly button.
It is nearly 4 months since i posted this post.
So i decided to give VH1 another go
And you know what it’s got bloody worse!!!!
The ‘stupid ‘ people here are the ‘other’ advertisers who are paying their money,
but whose adverts are not being watched
because as soon as the bloody frog or whatever starts …
you can here the sounds of people pressing their remotes!!!!
I was there at the start of MTV on the telly and it was great,
you could leave the channel on all day
it was better than radio,
but now i just cannot bring myself to turn the channel on.
I think i will hibernate till this is all over, what do you think?
Keep those comments coming.
ba ba ding ding ding ding ding weeeeeeeee
wot ya talkin bout????!!! the crazy frog ad is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is sooooooooooooo funny, it makes us laff every time we hear it!!! it gets stuk in ur head nd it is soooooooooo contagious!!!!! and so adictive!
ba ba ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ba da ba da ba da badadada dededededededee de de WEEEEE..EEEEEEEEEE!!
i tihkn the crazy frog is gr8 2 i think he is os cute wid his big eyes n everythin rr: a ding ding ding ding badar bodar bodar dom do do do a beabebeabe abe abe wee eeeeeee so kewl i must admit hearin it costantly wne ur tryin 2 listen 2 music or the usic channels it is annoyin but i tihkn it is cute n i curs eany 1 tryin 2 ban it n i 4t it was so sad that they hav censored his ding dong ( his downstairs) its so pathetic its a cartoon man n i dont see what so affensive about it i ammatate it allthe itme n me n ma m8s find it hilarirous anywayz byyyyyyyyyyyyee a ding ding ding
How anyone could find ‘Crazy Frog’ offensive I’ll never know. It’s a cartoon. He’s got a cartoon willy. Big deal. Nevertheless, in my experience it appears Frog is intensely annoying to anyone with an I.Q. above… well, anyone with an I.Q. really. Seriously though, kids these days seem to spend more time trying to impress their friends with useless tat like this than carving out some kind of life from the fragments of our shattered society. If you spent even half as much time reading and writing as you do ‘txtn yr m8s’ then you’d certainly see where I’m coming from, even if you don’t agree with my opinions. If any other educated person were to read the comments on this page, then I believe they would agree whole-heartedly with me, not least because the previous comments are barely legible. To assist this particular class of reader, I have prepared the following Kiddy-Gibberish to Queen’s English translation service:
tihkn = Think. Mis-spelling this simple word once might be considered an unlucky accident, but twice (the same) suggests a lack of thinking altogether.
kewl = Cool. I can understand changing ‘You’re’, or ‘Your’ to ‘ur’ in a text message to save space, but why on earth sodomise a perfectly good word and keep it the same length. Bizarre!
ammatate = Imitate. This is just off the scale. Take a word, swap some vowels, and make it longer. Why oh why?
Punctuation? Forget it. It’s obviously pointless. All that it does is structure the sentence, and apply context. No need for that at all, oh no. Take a breath, kids!
I don’t know, maybe I’m just old-fashioned. Let’s have a go at this..
i dnt no wt ur tihknin ov wen u rite lik dis kidz bt it dznt mak u appeere kewl r clevr in ne wy shaype r farm nd it max tihgns so mch ardr 2 rd thn ritin in playne ingerlisch.
I must stress, in order to avoid the inevitable death threats, that these opinions are my own. I don’t expect you to agree with them. If you do, great. If you don’t, I’m more than willing to consider your retort. Don’t get angry, get even.
we love the frog to bits and wold neve wnt to see it in bits its really cute and ding singmding
Froggi !!
Bloody Frog !!!!!!!!!
hiz just da best who could h8 im
wheres a web page where u can look at the race car with that crazy frog noise?
http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/insanity_test.htm hahahahhehehehehahahahha