Cross 1 off my TO-DO list 🙂
Here ya go Kate and Crew as promised (6 months late )
You can download the video direct
by clicking here
you live what you've learned
Cross 1 off my TO-DO list 🙂
Here ya go Kate and Crew as promised (6 months late )
You can download the video direct
by clicking here
Another wet and windy Bank Holiday so we took Megan to Eureka in Halifax
and i must say i was impressed.
Eureka! The Museum for Children
is a hands-on children’s museum,
designed especially for 0 – 12 year olds.
With more than 400 must-touch exhibits !
More than enough to keep the ‘big‘ kids happy
have a great day.
lots of love
and big hugs from Meggy Moo
Johnny Says hi !!!!!
All good things come to an end.
Turkey was fantastic again this year if not a little hot (49 degrees)
And the bloody frog has made it out there too.
Might try the MOON next year but i fear the frog will have a shop there too
Oh by the way DO NOT use THOMSON they are crap.
To tired to tell you why but watch this space ,i aint finished with them yet!!
Every single day, 30,000 children die, needlessly, of extreme poverty.
On July 6th, we finally have the opportunity to stop that shameful statistic.
8 world leaders, gathered in Scotland for the G8 summit,
will be presented with a workable plan to double aid,
drop the debt and make the trade laws fair.
If these 8 men agree, then we will become the generation that made poverty history.
But they’ll only do it if enough people tell them to.
That’s why we’re staging Live 8. 10 concerts, 100 artists,
a million spectators,2 billion viewers, and 1 message…
To get those 8 men, in that 1 room,
to stop 30,000 children dying every single day of extreme poverty.
Enjoy the concert today but as you watch take time to remember what it is all about.
Click below and add your name , We can make a difference.
Happy Birthday Sue
Have a great day
Love Steve ,kim
and big hugs from Meg
Also thanx to Paula and Pete for allowing us to trash their house x
by tkey 50 Comments
This is on the Advertising Standards Authority home page.
IMPORTANT – JAMSTER: We are aware of viewer concern about the current frequency
of Jamster advertising and the terrestrial channels have been informed.
If you wish to complain about the frequency of Jamster ringtone advertisements,
please do not complain to the ASA.
You should contact the broadcaster direct.
The frequency of any particular advertisement is not part of the ASA�s remit.
Contact details for broadcasters can be found in Radio Times, or on the Ofcom web site:
The ITV Duty Office can be contacted on: 0870 600 6766.
For Cable or Satellite channels, contact the channel.
The ASA can only consider complaints about the content of television advertisements,
not the frequency of any particular advertisement.
It’s good advice folks, like i said threaten the TV channel ,
that your not going to watch it ,
while this pest is on 2 or 3 times every ad break.