Halloween – 2008
We had fun at the fair
Happy Birthday Demi
Happy 8th Birthday Demi

have a brilliant day
see you saturday,
lots of love
Kim , Steve and Megan
Tickets have arrived ladies
Public Information Film
If you access the Web using Internet Explorer
without the proper security settings,
it is only a matter of time before your PC gets infected with spyware.
Little Windows programs or scripts (‘ActiveX controls’)
which are embedded in certain Web pages, usually pornography-related,
can install malicious programs on your computer without your knowledge.
To be safe, you should not use Internet Explorer,
but an alternative browser,
if you have to use internet explorer
you should apply the proper security settings.
More importantly, certain downloadable programs,
such as a number of music/video fileshareing applications
can also contain hidden and unwanted malware.
It is also not safe to download and install cracks or hacked software.
The following downloadable programs
are generally known to contain spyware.
Do not install any of the programs listed here (this list is not exhaustive):
Aimster, Alexa, ATTune, AudioGalaxy, Aureate/Radiate, Bad Blue,
Bargain Buddy, BearShare, BitTorrent, Blubster, Bonzai Buddy,
Brilliant Digital, Comet Cursor, CommonName, CyDoor, Direct Connect,
DiVx Bundle, DLDER, Doubleclick, DSSAgent, Earth Station 5,
Edonkey, EzUla, EverAd, Filetopia, Flyswat, Gator, Gnotella,
Gnutella, Gnucleus, GoZilla, Grokster, HotBar, Imesh, Kazaa,
Limewire, Mactella, Madster, Morpheus, Napster, OnFlow, Phex,
Qtella, Slyck, Smirk, Soulseek, TimeSink, Transponder,
Trickler, Weatherbug, Web3000, WebHancer, WinMX, Webshots, Xolox.
Here endeth the lesson………….again.
Lost Property
I have had a lot of things left on my bus over the years.
But you would think that the person who brought this onto my vehicle
would remember to take it off again……………wouldn’t you?
New Machine
My PC has been given new clothes
and has been upgraded.
AMD phenom 9550 quad
512mb ATI x1650 video
20x Dvd writer
But the issue was with……….yes you guessed it windows!
Apparantly Vista 32 bit can only cope with upto 3gb memory!
So more work required and installed vista 64 bit.
progress so far…….
all 4gb memory……… now usable
itunes with my itouch……working
Flock…………….installed working
FSX………………..not tested yet
pleased with the results so far,this is a fast machine.
Japan has bank problems too…..
Following the problems in the sub-prime lending market in America
and the run on Northern Rock in the UK ,
uncertainty has now hit Japan
In the last 7 days Origami Bank has folded,
Sumo Bank has gone belly up
and Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches.
Yesterday, it was announced that Karaoke Bank is up for sale
and will likely go for a song,
while today shares in Kamikaze Bank were suspended
after they nose-dived.
While Samurai Bank is soldiering on following sharp cutbacks,
Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but they remain in the black.
Furthermore, 500 staff at Karate Bank got the chop
and analysts report that there is something “fishy” going on at Sushi Bank
where it is feared that staff may get a raw deal…….
ah sooo
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